Tag Archives: bomber

Oslo bomber ABB Anders Breivik sent email to Jewish anti-Muslim Sweden Democrats a hour before the bombings

2011-07-25 11:52 | Wake Up From Your Slumber Weblog Jewish anti-Muslim Sweden Democrats Isaac Nygren received an email from ABB one hour before the bomb detonated in Oslo, they were apparently good friends. Guess where Isaac Nygren is at the present moment? In an Israeli kibbutz! http://www.svd.se/nyheter/inrikes/mordaren-mejlade-tidigare-sverigedemokrat_6345672.svd What do you think about how you have […]

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Lessons drawn from the blonde bomber ~ by @YousefMunayyer

  Domestic terrorism is far more common than transnational, which only accounts for 25 per cent of terror attack deaths. Yousef Munayyer Last Modified: 26 Jul 2011 13:24 | Al Jazeera Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh (along with Ted Kaczynski, Lucas John Helder, Jim Adkisson, Andrew Joseph Stack, Jared Lee Loughner, and others) is yet […]

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Egypt media warn of civil war after bombing

Published today 12:44 CAIRO (AFP) — Egyptian newspapers warned Sunday that “civil war” could break out unless Christians and Muslims close ranks after a deadly attack on a Coptic church that triggered angry protests.  The authorities said that a suicide bomber blew himself up outside Al-Qiddissin church in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria early on […]

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