Tag Archives: colons

Settler attacks with Molotov cocktails on Nakba day in Hebron

17 May 2011 | International Solidarity Movement The school of the illegal settlement Kiryat Arba and the house which was attacked A Palestinian house was attacked by settlers from the illegal settlement of Kiryat Arba in Western Hebron on May 15, the Nakba day.Jamal Abu Saifan told the International Solidarity Movement that around 6.30 pm […]

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Armed Settlers supported by Israeli army attack Palestinian village

10 April 2011 | International Solidarity Movement At 8.30am yesterday morning around fifty settlers, some masked and armed with guns, descended from Yitzhar settlement onto the Palestinian village of Assira Al Qibliya. International observers from the UK and Ireland witnessed the settlers threw rocks at homes and people on the outskirts of the village injuring […]

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Israeli Troops Reinvade Awarta and Arrest 60 Civilians

29.03.11 – 12:09- PNN – Palestine News Network Awarta – PNN – the Israeli army invaded the village of Awarta in northern West Bank and arrested 60 villagers on Tuesday. Awarta in northern West Bank – Archive                   Israeli armored vehicles and troops stormed the village shortly […]

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Settlers put a tent and try to force out Palestinians of their lands / des colons mettent une tente pour faire evacuer une famille palestinienne

Posted by Anne Paq on Friday, March 25, 2011 at 8:43 pm. (c) Anne Paq/Activestills.org, Ein Hilwe, Jordan Valley, 23.03.2011. From Jordan Valley Solidarity: Breaking news : the army is forcing the Bedouin family out of the land, arresting the head of the family and international and Israeli volunteers Please contact us : 0599 352266 […]

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