Tag Archives: miftah

Empty Stomachs, Emboldened Hearts

Palestine’s Prisoners – Worldwide Event | Pictures | Topic | Category MIFTAH | October 10, 2011 | Joharah Baker The tremors of the Arab Spring have spread far and wide, to places as far as Wall Street and as close as Palestine. It is nothing short of amazing to see how people everywhere have taken […]

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Seeking Asylum in Norway: Never Easy for Palestinians

MIFTAH | October 05, 2011 | By Julie Holm for MIFTAH Many Palestinians I meet here in Ramallah ask me where my interest in Palestine and the Palestinians comes from. Proudly, I answer that in Norway numerous organizations and political parties are concerned with their situation. Further we have a large Palestinian community of engaged, […]

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For Hamas, United is so much Better

Date posted: May 09, 2011 By Joharah Baker for MIFTAH | May 11, 2011 In all of the vicious propaganda swirling around the Palestinians’ newly found reconciliation, there is one point that needs to be emphasized if the propaganda is ever to be dismissed, especially about Hamas. While Israel, the United States and pretty much […]

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