Tag Archives: Robert Spencer

The new “Jud Süß” Attempt on the “Innocence of Muslims” this time

Sept 12, 2012 | Last update Sept 29 | Continuous updates below this post Again, a movie was made, this time as vicious and with a spirit of xenophobic hatred equal the Nazi production Jud Süss. Imagine… the last named movie would have been released today in stead of the Islam bashing movie called “The […]

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Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer fundraise on Norway attack

America’s most virulent anti-Islam bloggers continue attacking all Muslims, accuse terror victims of anti-Semitism By Alex Pareene- War Room – Salon.com Wikipedia/AP Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller As a writer, it sure sucks when someone murders a bunch of people based on your ideas. (I mean, I assume that sucks. Weirdly, it’s never happened to […]

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Anders Behring Breivik, a perfect product of the Axis of Islamophobia

Max Blumenthal | July 23, 2011 Norwegian Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Store visits the Utoya Labor Youth camp a day before Breivik’s killing spree. He earned loud cheers with an unapologetic call for Palestinian rights. When I wrote my analysis last December on the “Axis of Islamophobia,” laying out a new international political network of […]

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The Norway massacre and the nexus of Islamophobia and right-wing Zionism

by Alex Kane on July 23, 2011 Details on the culprit behind yesterday’s massacre in Norway, which saw car bombings in Oslo and a mass shooting attack on the island of Utoya that caused the deaths of at least 91 people, have begun to emerge.  While it is still too early for a complete portrait […]

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