Tag Archives: dennis ross

The Norway massacre and the nexus of Islamophobia and right-wing Zionism

by Alex Kane on July 23, 2011 Details on the culprit behind yesterday’s massacre in Norway, which saw car bombings in Oslo and a mass shooting attack on the island of Utoya that caused the deaths of at least 91 people, have begun to emerge.  While it is still too early for a complete portrait […]

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Dennis Ross: Go Home, You Are Not Welcome in Palestine – by Khalid Amayreh

  By Khalid Amayreh | PIC, Al-Jazeerah, CCUN, June 21, 2011   So Dennis Ross is back in town in occupied Palestine. He is succeeding the failed U.S. envoy to the Middle East George Mitchell who proved himself too cowardly, too obsequious and too pliant especially in the face of Israeli arrogance and insolence. Mitchell […]

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