Tag Archives: trucks

Gaza faces ‘waste crisis’ due to ban on trucks

Related: Deprivation of Basic Needs Cost Lives! Healthcare | Electricity| Water | Communication Maan News Agency | Dec 1, 2011 GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — An environmental researcher warned Wednesday that a waste crisis is worsening in the Gaza Strip, as imports of trucks are being prevented as part of Israel’s siege. Wael Safi said increases […]

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Trucks rally in Gaza after Israel, PA sign deal to close crossing

[ 22/01/2011 – 02:22 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– Dozens of trucks rallied Saturday morning in Gaza to condemn closure of the Karni commercial crossing in eastern Gaza. Israeli and PA authorities had undersigned an agreement to block the crossing. The convoy took course from Palestine Square in downtown Gaza to Palestinian Legislative Committee headquarters […]

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