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Israel exploits Egypt turmoil to increase attacks on Gaza farmers ~ by @jncatron

Israel continues to violate the terms of a 2012 ceasefire by attacking farmers in Gaza. (Eyad Al Baba / APA images)   18th September 2013 | The Electronic Intifada, Joe Catron | ISM Palestine |  Gaza City, Occupied Palestine Farming in the Gaza Strip’s “buffer zone” is hazardous under the best circumstances. Israeli troops routinely shoot live ammunition […]

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Government warns of environmental disaster due to shortage of fuel | #OpenRafahBorder Now!

[ PIC 17/09/2013 – 07:57 PM ] GAZA, (PIC)– The Palestinian government warned of an environmental disaster in Gaza due to the siege, especially as untreated sewage water is pumped into the sea, which increases the problem of pollution and its impact on the environmental situation and human health. Minister of Local Government, Dr. Mohammed […]

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Video: Israeli Colonists Dump Sewage on Palestinian land

July 9, 2013 by @PressTV Villagers in Wadi Fukin near Bethlehem were attacked by Israeli colonists/settlers from a nearby colony/settlement, when they intentionally poured thousands of tons of sewage into the only natural water spring and onto the land. (Some) Examples of attacks by Jewish Colonists in Palestine I emphasize, just some examples…. For a […]

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2.2 Million cubic meters raw sewage from Israeli settlements poses environmental threat

MEMO | June 3, 2013 A report by Israel’s Ministry for Environmental Protection has revealed that 2.2 million cubic metres of raw sewage flows annually from the country’s illegal settlements in the West Bank directly into waterways or cesspits without passing through any treatment facility. According to Haaretz newspaper, the report has been passed to […]

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Israeli army maneuvers destroy cultivated land

[ PIC 02/05/2013 – 10:41 AM ] JENIN, (PIC)– Israeli army maneuvers east of Jenin city caused fire to Palestinian cultivated land in Jalbon village destroying 35 dunums of barley in the process. Ziyad Abu Arra, owner of the land, told the PIC reporter on Wednesday that Israeli occupation forces fired teargas canisters into his […]

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After destroying over 2,5 Million trees: Israeli army cuts 600 trees near Hebron

Note occpal: Israel destroyed over 2,5 Million trees Since 1967 only (Report Page 31) while last summer, it was boasting about it’s ‘agricultural development at the Floriade 2012 World Expo (More about that here) Tuesday April 23, 2013 17:23 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies Tuesday April 23, 2013, the Radio Bethlehem 2000 has […]

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After destroying at least 2,5 Million Trees: Israeli forces uproot 300 olive, almond trees in Hebron

Maan News Agency | Apr 9, 2013 HEBRON (Ma’an) — Israeli forces uprooted over 300 olive and almond trees in a Hebron village on Tuesday, a local official said. Agricultural committee coordinator in Hebron Murad al-Jabarin told Ma’an that Israeli forces destroyed the trees in al-Rahwa village south of Hebron. The village is constantly targeted […]

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Land in village of Qusin used as garbage dump by settlers

“Settling” constitutes a warcime according to international law and ICC statute. Even under US’ own military legislations’ Law resources below this article March 27, 2013 | International Solidarity Movement, Qusin, Occupied Palestine By IWPS On Wednesday March 27 at 15:00 the village of Qusin organized a tour of a nearby quarry that is regularly used […]

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Israel Denies Electricity to Palestinians: Orders Removal of EU-funded Solar Cells

Global Research, March 19, 2013 AL-KHALIL (HEBRON): The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) ordered the removal of solar cell panels providing a Palestinian community east of Yatta town in Al-Khalil with electric power. Local sources reported that the occupation civil administration handed on Friday notices to the residents of Umm Al-Kharouba area near Yatta stating that […]

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Israel orders removal of EU-funded solar cells in Al-Khalil

[ PIC 16/03/2013 – 02:09 PM ] AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) ordered the removal of solar cell panels providing a Palestinian community east of Yatta town in Al-Khalil with electric power. Local sources reported that the occupation civil administration handed on Friday notices to the residents of Umm Al-Kharouba area near Yatta […]

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Israeli settlers pump sewage into ancient Palestinian village of Sabastiya

 Sunday February 17, 2013 00:34 by IMEMC Staff The Israeli settlement of Shafi Shamron, in the northern part of the West Bank, has routed its sewage pipes to dump directly into the historic village of Sabastiya, home to several thousand Palestinian families. Sewage stream from Shafi Shamron (image by ISM) The villages have filed a […]

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Palestinian man dies in Jenin floods, areas announced disaster areas

[ PIC 09/01/2013 – 06:08 PM ] JENIN, (PIC)– A Palestinian man in his fifties died in front of his home in Jenin city on Wednesday after he tried to cross a flooded street but he slipped and drowned in the flood, medical sources said. Meanwhile, Qabatiya village council and Jenin district announced Qabatiya and […]

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Hundreds of homes flooded, citizens injured in W. Bank downpours

[ PIC 09/01/2013 – 12:28 PM ] RAMALLAH, (PIC)– More than 400 homes were flooded and many Palestinian citizens sustained injuries on Tuesday in the rainstorm and bad weather that hit the occupied territories and the Levant region. According to a report by the Palestinian civil defense department, the number of the wounded civilians rose […]

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