Tag Archives: tree

After destroying over 2,5 Million trees: Israeli army cuts 600 trees near Hebron

Note occpal: Israel destroyed over 2,5 Million trees Since 1967 only (Report Page 31) while last summer, it was boasting about it’s ‘agricultural development at the Floriade 2012 World Expo (More about that here) Tuesday April 23, 2013 17:23 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies Tuesday April 23, 2013, the Radio Bethlehem 2000 has […]

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Dancing the Dabka in Beit Hanoun, north Gaza Strip – 29 March 2012 – Video

by rosaingaza on Mar 29, 2012 Today we planted olive trees and danced the Dabka, about 700 mt from the Erez border in Beit Hanoun, north Gaza Strip   Action Alert Global March to Jerusalem- Official Website All related posts on this blog about the GM2J Al-Quds & Al-Aqsa Ethnic cleansing & Denial of Palestinian […]

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Rabbis for Human Rights – Join us this Wednesday, Feb 8th, on Tu B’shvat, to plant trees and to express solidarity with Al-Jenia

Related: Israel. Not looking for Peace. Nor Talks. But this… General, Palestinian Rights | Rabbis for Human Rights ‏| 07.02.12 Rabbis for Human Rights | Febr 7, 2012 Pictures taken by B’Tselem fieldworker morning Iyad Haddad , this morning,in Al – Janiya west of Ramallah, of the damage caused by settlers who destroyed a taxi […]

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Soldiers detain 60-year-old blocking settler tree planting

Related: Israel. Not looking for Peace. Nor Talks. But this… Maan News Agency | Febr 6, 2012 QALQILIYA (Ma’an) — Israeli forces detained a 60-year-old man obstructing Israeli settlers from digging up land in Qalqiliya village Kafr Qaddum on Monday, witnesses and security officials said. Yaqoub Ishtawi tried to block a group of Israeli soldiers […]

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The lonely olive tree of Bil’in – video

Palestine’s Prisoners – Worldwide Event | Pictures | Topic | Category 14 October 2011  | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank Near the concrete wall which separates Bil’in from Modiin Illit colony, occupied by ultra-Orthodox Jews, there is an olive tree.  It is impossible to know how it survived the construction of the wall and how it continues to resist to the lack of a few cares that the specie demands – a lack […]

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Help Nil’in Village to Replant Olive Trees

“When you lay siege to a city and wage war against it a long time to capture it, do not destroy its trees, wielding an ax against any food-producing tree. Is a tree of the field a man who will come against you in the siege?” (Deuteronomy 20:19) This is what real Judaism teaches about […]

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Al-Walaja villagers rally to save oldest living olive tree from destruction by Israeli forces

  Monday August 15, 2011 11:33 by Saed Bannoura/Mazin Qumsiyeh – IMEMC News On Saturday August 13, 2011, a show of nonviolent popular resistance occurred in Al-Walaja village, west of Bethlehem. Protester abducted in Al-Walaja on Wednesday (image by palestine monitor) The Israeli army had mobilized in large numbers, anticipating the villagers’ weekly protest. They […]

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Photo: A tree in Lifta for me and my mum – awaiting return

  April 1, 2011 | Ali Abunimah’s Blog On Land Day, Budour Hassan (@Budouroddick on Twitter), visited Lifta, the village where my mother was born, just outside Jerusalem, and planted an olive tree in honor of my mother and me, as the photo shows. My mother and her family, along with all other Liftawis were […]

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Jews exploit tree day to expand West Bank settlements

[ 20/01/2011 – 10:14 AM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Extremist Jews will exploit a holiday that begins Thursday to expand internationally illegitimate settlements in the occupied West Bank without lifting a finger for construction. The rightist Israeli Kahane movement announced plans Wednesday to mark Tu Bishvat celebrations by randomly planting 20,000 trees around settlements […]

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YouTube – Yasser Arafat Speech at the UN (United Nations)in 1974

The first part of the Yasser Arafat speech at the United nations 1974. Famous for the Olive tree and freedom fighter statement YouTube – Yasser Arafat Speech at the UN (United Nations)in 1974.

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