Tag Archives: unemployment

VIDEO | Hamas: Egypt’s closure of tunnels causing $230mn in monthly losses

Published on Oct 28, 2013 A Hamas official says the closure of Gaza tunnels by the Egyptian army is inflicting heavy losses on the Israeli-besieged enclave. Deputy Economy Minister Hatem Oweida said the losses from tunnel closures on industry, commerce, agriculture, transport and construction sectors amount to around 230 million dollars each month. The official […]

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Unemployment in Gaza reaches 43 percent

Mohammed Mar’i | Saudi Gazette | Oct 28, 2013 RAMALLAH – The Hamas government on Sunday said that unemployment rate in Gaza Strip reached 43 percent due to Israeli siege. Hatim Owaidah, the Deputy Minister of Economy in the Hamas government, said that the siege that Israeli imposed on Gaza Strip “badly affected all sectors […]

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EU Ignores Internal Problems and Donates Millions to the PA

Kawther Salam | Sept 13, 2013 Pic. Credit: Issam Rimawi Palestinians stressed that PA elements have spent millions on their trips and the travel abroad. President Abbas and his staff reportedly spend over 10 million dollar monthly only for travelling. The PA elements that hold the so-called VIP passports are always travelling with their beautiful […]

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VIDEO | Gazans struggle with high rate of unemployment

  Published on Apr 6, 2013 Israel’s constant closure of crossings and Egypt’s crackdown on tunnels between its border and the Gaza Strip have deteriorated the already battered economy of the blockaded territory. This has resulted in high unemployment rate among the impoverished population. According to the United Nations Office for the coordination of Humanitarian […]

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Official report confirms 4.8 million Palestinian refugees living in poverty and unemployment

Monday, 20 June 2011 16:15| MEMO On Sunday, June 19th, The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) issued a report stating that, scattered across dozens of camps in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian territories (the West Bank and Gaza Strip), the minimum number of Palestinian refugees registered with the UN Relief and Works Agency […]

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Ultra-orthodox Jews push for non-employment of Arabs

[ 01/02/2011 – 10:51 AM ]   NAZARETH, (PIC)– Ultra-orthodox Jews have launched an onslaught of racial campaigns targeting Arabs in the workplace. Thousands of leaflets and posters are circulating in ultra-orthodox neighborhoods dissuading Jewish employment of Arabs and calling for boycotts on Israeli commercial centers that oppose the movement, Israeli Army Radio said. “We […]

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