Tag Archives: ultra

Israelis stage music festival near Al Aqsa Mosque disturbing worshipers

[ PIC 09/05/2013 – 06:56 PM ] OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Al Aqsa Foundation for Waqf and Heritage said that Jewish youths organized on Wednesday a march, on the 46th anniversary of the occupation of Jerusalem, during which they chanted racist slogans against Al Aqsa, the Arabs and Islam. Thousands of Jewish marchers attacked the Jerusalemite […]

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Rightist Facebook group: How do we get explosives?

  Friday, March 25 2011|Dimi Reider| +972 Magazine “Zion Fighters” is a steadily growing ultra-rightist group that’s trying hard to become  a real organisation. Its imagery and language are extremely militant, rallying against non-Jewish MKs, left wingers and, obviously, Arabs. But last night members of their Facebook group broke a record of sorts: Aviv Tam: […]

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Ultra-orthodox Jews push for non-employment of Arabs

[ 01/02/2011 – 10:51 AM ]   NAZARETH, (PIC)– Ultra-orthodox Jews have launched an onslaught of racial campaigns targeting Arabs in the workplace. Thousands of leaflets and posters are circulating in ultra-orthodox neighborhoods dissuading Jewish employment of Arabs and calling for boycotts on Israeli commercial centers that oppose the movement, Israeli Army Radio said. “We […]

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Lieberman: “Israeli Groups that Provided Information to Goldstone Commission: Collabors With Terror” – International Middle East Media Center

Tuesday January 11, 2011 08:01 by Alternative Information Center (AIC) Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman stated that Israeli organizations which provided information to the United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (Goldstone Commission) are “net collaborators with terror whose goal is to harm the IDF and its determination to defend Israeli citizens.” Avigdor […]

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Ultra-orthodox Jews hold alleged temple conference Thursday

[ 04/01/2011 – 10:23 AM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Ultra-orthodox Jews staged a graphic conference in west Jerusalem Thursday to discuss erecting the alleged temple on the ruins of Jerusalem’s Aqsa Mosque, the Aqsa Islamic heritage foundation in Jerusalem said Monday. The Aqsa foundation warned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could be behind […]

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