Tag Archives: unrest

Hamas: Egypt unrest may disrupt unity talks

BREAKING: #Egypt military deployed outside presidential palace in Cairo after clashes (Details to follow) http://t.co/1DhmdGKu #news — RT (@RT_com) December 6, 2012 Maan News Agency | Dec 5, 2012 GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Meetings to discuss Palestinian reconciliation depend on stability in Egypt, a senior Hamas official said Wednesday. Ahmad Yousef told Ma’an that unrest […]

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Mosque burning draws int’l anger as unrest rocks ‘48-occupied territories

Related: Radical Jewish terrorists torch Mosque in Tuba – in pictures [ 04/10/2011 – 06:39 PM ] JEDDAH, CAIRO, RAMALLAH, (PIC)– The arson of a mosque in the Upper Galilee Valley has drawn worldwide anger as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has called on Israel to shoulder responsibilities as an occupying force and strikes and […]

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Palestinian Children Targeted as Israel Crushes Unrest

by Mel Frykberg, June 17, 2011| Antiwar.com SILWAN, Palestine – “Father please help me! Don’t let them take me away,” screamed 12-year-old Ahmed Siyam as approximately 50 heavily armed Israeli soldiers and police dragged the handcuffed and blindfolded boy away. Last month Ahmed was pulled out of his bed at 4am by Israeli security forces […]

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Israel uses Arab unrest as cover to attack Gaza

  Gulf News Editorial: Tel Aviv’s atrocities should be highlighted despite shifting of focus on unrest in regio Gulf News | Published:  March 22, 2011 As the world attention turned to the fast developments in some Arab countries such as Libya and Yemen, Israel yesterday continued its attacks on the Gaza Strip. The Israelis think, […]

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