Tag Archives: draws

Mosque burning draws int’l anger as unrest rocks ‘48-occupied territories

Related: Radical Jewish terrorists torch Mosque in Tuba – in pictures [ 04/10/2011 – 06:39 PM ] JEDDAH, CAIRO, RAMALLAH, (PIC)– The arson of a mosque in the Upper Galilee Valley has drawn worldwide anger as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has called on Israel to shoulder responsibilities as an occupying force and strikes and […]

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ei: Gaza rally draws a diverse crowd calling for unity

Rami Almeghari writing from the occupied Gaza Strip, Live from Palestine, 19 March 2011 Palestinians in Gaza demonstrate for unity on 15 March. (Rami Almeghari) Youth protests in Gaza continue to unfold after a call to rally was put out by Palestinian youth calling for an end to political division and for national unity. A […]

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Amnesty report draws parallel between Kashmir and Palestine

March 20, 2011 SRINAGAR: Human rights watchdog Amnesty International has compared Indian police methods in Kashmir with those of Israeli security forces in Palestine. A 70-page report to be released on Monday focuses on the Jammu & Kashmir Public Safety Act, 1978 (PSA) and calls it a “system of administrative detention that is a lawless […]

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Right-winger Lieberman draws map of provisional Palestinian state

[ 23/01/2011 – 06:41 PM ]   NAZARETH, (PIC)– Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman dealt a blow to de facto president Mahmoud Abbas and drafted his own map of a future temporary Palestinian state within an area of 42 percent of the West Bank, senior official from the ministry said. Lieberman’s map would essentially freeze […]

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