Israeli Incitement: ‘Shalit saviors’ warn of Gaza Strip raid ensuing foiled negotiations

[ 11/05/2011 – 08:44 PM ]

NAZARETH, (PIC)– A group of self-proclaimed ”Shalit saviors” have threatened to raid the Gaza Strip and help release Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, who has been detained by Palestinian resistance forces for the past five years.

The group posted a Youtube clip Wednesday sternly warning both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas that governs the Gaza Strip that if Shalit is not freed, the group would raid the Strip through the Erez checkpoint and take matters into their own hands.

They urged Shalit negotiators to urgently carry out a prisoner swap deal with Hamas.

Jews in Israel ”have been so far sitting quietly and acting nicely,” the vigilante group warned, adding that matters would change on June 21, the fifth anniversary of his capture.

They clarified that they have no political interests and are not part of a rightist or leftist movement. They are only trying to free Shalit through an unprecedented initiative.

The development comes as tensions rise between the Shalits and prime minister Netanyahu.

Shalit’s father told the Israeli Ynet newspaper that he has lost confidence in the premier. Earlier this week, his brother, Yoel protested at an “independence day” ceremony in Jerusalem as Netanyahu took the stand, shouting: “Shalit is alive!”

The Shalits are gaining popular support, as many have begun to realize that Netanyahu’s repeated foiling of a prisoner swap with Hamas have to do with his political gain rather than security issues.

The captive’s father Noam told Israeli Radio from his sit-in tent pitched near Netanyahu’s Jerusalem home on Wednesday that the Shalits have sights set on new protest measures to see that their demands are met.

He said that previous ways of protests have been unfruitful, but he refused to go into detail concerning future steps planned to be taken.


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