#BDS- & the Anti-Boycott Law ~ by Yasir M. Tineh

Yasir M. Tineh | July 17, 2011

#BDS- Boycott Divest & Sanction, an acronym bearing three words heavy with the wisdom of resistance, three words that embody a struggle fought on various fronts & a new position of power in the deeply intertwined conflict.

  1. Ending its occupation and colonization of all Arab lands occupied in June 1967 and dismantling the Wall;
  2. Recognizing the fundamental rights of the Arab-Palestinian citizens of Israel to full equality; and
  3. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of Palestinian refugees to return to their homes and properties as stipulated in UN Resolution 194.

These are the basic demands of #BDS & as can be noticed they fall under no category of Anti-Semitic demands or any sort of violent methodology for enforcing and achieving these basic humanitarian demands.

In 2005, Palestinian civil society issued a call for a campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with international law and Palestinian rights. A truly global movement against Israeli Apartheid is rapidly emerging in response to this call.

Today it has been over 6 years since the #BDS call was made & seeing how it has spread like wildfire is remarkable- From youtube video’s showing flashmobs calling for the boycott of Israeli goods in Spain to how #BDS has become an acronym & a new symbol of resistance that I don’t go a day without seeing it somewhere across the social media networks.

Omar Barghouti once said in an interview ” Our South Africa moment has come”. A statement that is becoming increasingly true & more powerful day by day. Increased international pressure is used to create a new enemy of Apartheid in Israel, a non-violent but economic threat proving even to be more powerful than armed resistance in this day&age in the matter of garnering international attention to the Palestinian cause & causing an influence in the balance of power, possibly & hopefully strong enough to redeem the long lost rights of Palestinians.

Possibly the biggest victory #BDS has achieved is the recent passing of the Anti-Boycott law in Israel, which goes beyond what they hoped to achieve in defeating #BDS- It is evident that the Anti-Boycott Law has been a failure since the second it has been passed as Israeli’s along with Palestinians in Israel have gone out in marches to oppose the passing of a law that is in direct violation of the right of Free Speech in a country that labels itself the Middle East’s only “democracy”. We have also come to see promiment human rights advocates voice their opposition of the Law & in my own insight I have seen the calls for #BDS increase over the social media networks whom I have to say are & should be Israel worst fear because it is here that the young bright minds meet & discuss the reality of the occupation & it is here where we are educated, It is here you find the advocates of the pen.


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