Tag Archives: conduct

New tactics: Israeli police conduct patrols using civilian cars, pursuing Palestinians and issuing traffic tickets

Silwan Targeted – video | Silwan: No Legend Yet – more resources A police man stops Abbas Hajaj in front of his house Sunday, 22 January, 2012 | 18:00 | Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem   Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) — Israeli Authorities began using a new technique to pursue Palestinians in order to […]

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PCHR Strongly Condemns WHO’s Decision to Conduct a Conference in Jerusalem

Ethnic Cleansing – Topic | Settlement Construction – Category – Pictures Tuesday November 29, 2011 02:43 by PCHR The Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) condemns in the strongest possible terms the decision of WHO Europe to conduct an official conference in Jerusalem, hosted by Israel. The first World Health Organisation (WHO) European Conference on […]

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Letters: Israel’s conduct under the spotlight

The Guardian | Friday 8 April 2011 Your leader (6 April) on Richard Goldstone’s revised and more sympathetic take on Israel‘s “guilt” in its conduct of the Gaza war is uncharitable and a typical piece of liberal-left special pleading, always seeking to stress the negative and failing to put any proper context. During the war […]

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Israel to conduct security exercises in J’lem simulating human bombing operation

[ 12/10/2010 – 06:46 PM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Israeli security forces have launched wide ranging security exercises in occupied Jerusalem that simulate human bombing operations against Israeli targets in the city. Israeli police told media the exercises begin on Tuesday morning and end at night in the vicinity of Jerusalem and roads leading […]

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