Tag Archives: patrols

In stead of protecting Palestinians: Palestinian Authority consider renewing joint patrols with Israeli occupation

Al Ray Agencies | Aug 25, 2013 After a suspension of more than a decade, Israel and the Palestinian Authority were examining the prospect of joint security patrols. Officials said Israel and the PA have been urged by the United States to renew joint security patrols in the West Bank. They said the proposal was […]

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New tactics: Israeli police conduct patrols using civilian cars, pursuing Palestinians and issuing traffic tickets

Silwan Targeted – video | Silwan: No Legend Yet – more resources A police man stops Abbas Hajaj in front of his house Sunday, 22 January, 2012 | 18:00 | Wadi Hilweh Information Center – Silwan, Jerusalem   Silwan, Jerusalem (SILWANIC) — Israeli Authorities began using a new technique to pursue Palestinians in order to […]

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