Tag Archives: paralyses

Human rights group: The crisis of fuel in Gaza paralyzed civilian life

[ PIC 21/03/2012 – 01:12 PM ] GAZA, (PIC)– The Palestinian center for human rights said the crisis of fuel and electricity has paralyzed the daily life in the besieged Gaza Strip and made the lives of citizens much worse than before. “The towns of Gaza have become like ghost towns because of the power […]

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Justice ministry: The PA’s crimes in W. Bank cannot be dropped by prescription

[ 21/12/2010 – 07:29 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– Director of legal affairs in the Palestinian ministry of justice Osama Saad said that the Palestinian authority (PA) in the West Bank still wage frenzied political arrest campaigns among citizens, and torture everyone opposing its agenda, describing its actions as “crimes” that cannot be revoked by […]

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