Tag Archives: post

New York Times Opposes Palestinian Self-Determination ~ by @StephenLendman

OpEdNews | Nov 8, 2012 | Stephen Lendman The New York Times supports wealth, power and privilege. Longstanding NYT articles, op-eds, and editorials are notoriously one-sided for Israel. Palestinian rights don’t matter, only Jewish ones. Life in Occupied Palestine harshness goes largely unreported. Crimes of war and against humanity are ignored. An earlier If If […]

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Mashaal to refuse renewal of his post as head of Hamas’s political bureau

[ PIC 25/09/2012 – 12:06 PM ] BEIRUT, (PIC)– Member of Hamas’s political bureau Ezzat Al-Resheq said that Khaled Mashaal would not accept his nomination for the presidency of the Movement’s political bureau in the coming internal election. “During the last meeting that was held by Hamas’s political bureau and attended by its leaders from […]

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Settlers post ‘evacuation warnings in Hebron area’

Maan News Agency | June 3, 2012 HEBRON (Ma’an) — Israeli settlers posted leaflets in Palestinian communities near Hebron on Saturday night that warn owners to evacuate their homes and halt building work, residents said. The group of settlers from Kiryat Arba posted the threats around the Wadi Al-Husain and Hay Jaber areas east of […]

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Hamas demands dismissal of UNRWA chief Grandi from his post

[ PIC 22/02/2012 – 07:40 AM ] GAZA, (PIC)– The Hamas Movement’s department of refugee affairs called for removing Filippo Grandi from his post as the commissioner-general of the UNRWA after he announced that the agency would shrink important relief services in the impoverished Gaza Strip. The Hamas department of refugee affairs said Grandi miserably […]

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Global Avoidable Mortality: Post-1967 Palestinian & Israeli deaths from occupation & violence

AVOIDABLE MORTALITY – or EXCESS MORTALITY – is the difference between the ACTUAL mortality in a country and the mortality EXPECTED in a peaceful, decently-run country with the same demographics. AVOIDABLE MORTALITY and INFANT MORTALITY are KEY INDICATORS of the HUMAN CONSEQUENCES of national and global policies.   As of late APRIL 2006, how many […]

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Settlers establish settlement post under night cover in Jabaa village

14/03/2011 – 07:25 PM AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Palestinian local sources in Jabaa village, north of Al-Khalil city, reported that a number of Jewish settlers sneaked into Attouf area at night and placed mobile homes on Palestinian lands. The sources added that the extremist settlers established their settlement outpost under cover of darkness as part of a […]

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Posted by desertpeace on Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 8:00 pm. Furkan’s Dad speaking about his martyred son…. Commentary by Chippy Dee, Photos © by Bud Korotzer   Late last week there was a meeting at The Commons on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn that few attending will ever forget.  Organized by Al-Awda, the Center for Constitutional […]

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Posted by desertpeace on Sunday, February 6, 2011 at 10:45 am.| at PS.HADNEWS.COM It will take more than tear gas canisters to end the struggle for Democracy both in Egypt and the Occupied West Bank. Despite the brutality used by the zionist forces in both of these localities, the Global Intifada continues to grow. Bil’in Marches […]

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