Tag Archives: same

Israeli prison administration refuses to put two brothers in the same jail

[ PIC 20/07/2013 – 11:29 AM ] JENIN, (PIC)– The Israeli prison administration refused an appeal to transfer two detained brothers to the same jail, although this is considered a right according to the occupation’s prison law. The mother of the two captives Muntasar and Amar Abu Galyun asked the Red Cross to exert pressure […]

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#PalHunger | Samer Issawi Tried In Two Courts On Same Charges

Wednesday January 16, 2013 12:43 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies Wednesday January 16; the Israeli District Court in Jerusalem denied an appeal filed by the defense attorney of hunger striking detainee, Samer Al-Eesawy, requesting the court to void its deliberation in his case as he is being tried on the same charges at […]

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Zionist court refuses to release – arbitrary arrested & detained twice on same charges – Muna Qaadan

Palestine’s Prisoners | Pictures | Topic | Category – Torture | History | Category [ 28/10/2011 – 09:55 PM ] JENIN, (PIC)– The Zionist military court in Salem refused to release Muna Qaadan (39), from Arraba in Jenin district, on bail despite the fact that she was brought before court previously on the same charges. […]

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European Parliament endorses state of Palestine, urges EU to do the same

Related: ▣ FAQ ▣ Palestine Statehood Bid | Category Statehood PNN – Palestine News Network – 29.09.11 – 15:45 The European Parliament voted to support the UN recognition of a Palestinian state. According to a statement issued today, the Parliament assures the legitimacy of the Palestinian bid to the UN and asks all EU countries […]

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Hamdan: PA will meet same fate as toppled Arab regimes

14/03/2011 – 09:05 PM DAMASCUS, (PIC)– Hamas politburo member Osama Hamdan has said that those who stand by the Israeli occupation will meet the same fate as the regimes that crumbled during revolutions sweeping the Arab world. He was referring to the current Palestinian National Authority led by Mahmoud Abbas. Recently leaked documents revealed the […]

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People in Palestine like Russia, Medvedev writes in Twitter

19.01.2011, 05.49 MOSCOW, January 19 (Itar-Tass) – Russian President Dmitry Medvedev made an entry in hisTwitter blog on Wednesday, briefly sharing his impressions of his stay in Jericho (Palestine) on Tuesday. “People in Palestine like Russia. It was gratifying to see the sincere emotions being expressed by folk in the streets of ancient Jericho. This land […]

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October 3, 2010 at 14:55 I have been having a running dialog with one Dr. Elias Akleh. My last post in response to one of his can be read by clicking on the following… ZIONISM vs JUDAISM … AND THE DEMONIZATION OF THE JEWS I did some searching on the Net and found three excellent videos that […]

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