Tag Archives: arabs

The Economic WhiteWashing of Political Discrimination against Arabs in Israel ~ by @benabyad

Truth does not matter for “Israel”. Buttons Do. To mute. Bank of Israel Governor Stanley Fischer speaks during a news conference in Jerusalem 15 November 2011. (Photo: REUTERS – Baz Ratner) By: Ben White | Published Saturday, December 17, 2011 In the last couple of years, there has been a concerted effort by both the […]

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Shalit Deal Thirty-Eighth Between Israelis and Arabs

Palestine’s Prisoners – Worldwide Event | Pictures | Topic | Category PNN – Palestine News Network –  13.10.11 – 19:35 Prisoners researcher Abdulnasser Farwaneh said the recently completed deal between Israel and Hamas to exchange more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners for captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit would be the 38th such deal signed between Israeli […]

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Bahar calls on Arabs, Muslims to support Palestinian resistance

Related:  The Eagle of Palestine  ~ History [ 02/10/2011 – 01:12 PM ] TEHRAN, (PIC)– Deputy speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC) Ahmed Bahar has called on Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas to be frank with the Palestinians on negotiations, saying the peace process has reached a dead end. He also called on Abbas […]

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IOA plans to uproot Jahaleen Arabs out of O. Jerusalem

[ 16/09/2011 – 03:36 PM ] OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority (IOA) has issued a military order Thursday of removing the Jahaleen Arabs out of their homes in the city so as to build and expand new settlements, Hebrew sources revealed. In an interview with channel 1 in the Israeli television, the spokesman […]

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US-Arab Disconnect: Revolutions Restate Region’s Priorities ~ by Ramzy Baroud

Palestine Chronicle | Aug 16, 2011 There is now no turning back. By Ramzy Baroud As the Arab Spring continues to challenge dictators, demolish old structures and ponder roadmaps for a better future, the US remains committed to its failed policies, misconceptions and selfish interests. Arabs may disagree on many things, but few disagree on […]

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Arabs to urge yes vote on Palestinian UN bid

Published today (updated) 11/08/2011 21:07 Palestinians carry their national flag towards Israel’s controversial separation near the West bank town of Tulkarem. [AFP/File Jaafar Ashtiyeh] RAMALLAH (AFP) — A delegation of Arab foreign ministers will urge permanent members of the Security Council next week to vote for Palestinian UN membership, a top Palestinian official said Thursday. […]

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Report: Israeli courts discriminate against Arab Israelis in conviction and sentences

Thursday, 04 August 2011 15:15| MEMO The study found that while the average prison sentence for Jews was nine and a half months, Arabs convicted of the same crimes were given 14 months on average. An Israeli academic study has revealed that Israeli judges are harsher with 1948-Palestinians (Arab Israelis) – during the conviction stages […]

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Interviewing a Legend: Robert Fisk

Written by Sabine Saade | 16 May 2011 Fisk is “probably the most famous foreign correspondent in Britain”. Photography: Mohamed Nanabhay 14th of April, Down Town Beirut. Sitting next him, I am very aware that I am currently interviewing a legend; the rest of the clients at Paul café are too. They are looking at […]

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Posted by desertpeace on Wednesday, April 13, 2011 at 7:03 am. My maternal grandmother was a simple Shtetel Jew. She came from a place not much different than the small town portrayed in Fiddler on The Roof. Traditionally the womenfolk from those areas were uneducated in matters of anything other than home making and child […]

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Israel adopts laws targeting Arab citizens and criminalizing boycott of Jewish settlements

Sabbah Report | March 28, 2011 By Uri Avnery * | Sabbah Report | http://www.sabbah.biz In a rare late-night session, the Knesset has finally adopted two obnoxious racist laws. Both are clearly directed against Israel’s Arab citizens, a fifth of the population. The first makes it possible to annul the citizenship of persons found guilty […]

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Haneen Zoabi: Who are you calling feminist?

25 March 2011 | Israeli Occupation Archive [I]t is possible to sum up Israel’s relations with its Palestinian citizens in one sentence: We are not only a minority that is discriminated against, we are a minority at risk. Over the past two years, the Knesset has brought forth dozens of laws designed to strengthen the […]

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This is Zionism: Eden Abergil: ‘I’m B-A-C-K’

Eden Abergil: ‘I’m B-A-C-K’   Eden Abergil’s homicidal Facebook rants: ‘Fuck you, stinking Arabs’ Just like a bad penny or Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Terminator, Eden Abergil is back to wreak havoc once more. Several months ago she found notoriety by proudly uploading to her Facebook account pictures of her simpering as an IDF soldier next to […]

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MP Ashkar: Changes after Arab upheaval in favor of Palestinians

[ 26/02/2011 – 04:43 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– Deputy chairman of the Change and Reform bloc in the Palestinian Legislative Council Ismail Al-Ashkar said revolutions sweeping Arab nations will cause major positive changes to the Palestinian cause. With the collapse of the alleged peace process and disband of the Arab quartet, there will be […]

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Imprisoned PFLP leader praises Arab revolutions, calls for Palestinian uprising

Posted by gazasolidarity at PS.HADNEWS.COM on Monday, February 21, 2011 at 1:42 pm. Sa’adat salutes Egyptian revolution and calls for Palestinians to overthrow occupation and division February 20, 2011 Ahmad Sa’adat, the imprisoned Palestinian national leader, Palestinian Legislative Council member and General Secretary of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, released a message […]

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Racist Subjectivity and Intellectual Dishonesty

20:18 02/15/2011 It is as if prospect of democratic Egypt is prelude to Armageddon. (Aljazeera) By Mohamed El Mokhtar It felt sometimes quite depressing, and indeed demeaning, to be an Arab, living or going to school in America, during the Second Intifada, and hear ad nauseum the same old refrain chanted every minute in every […]

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