Archive | November 3, 2010

Nov 3, 2010 |GAZA-PALESTINE| TODAY NEWS LINKS| Gaza has been under a siege for 1239 days | Spread-Share-Link or Tweet the News!

آخر الأخبار والتحديثات Every day updating all news, sources and actual information about Gaza – Palestine, check also earlier notes since June 1th, 2010 with all news from worldwide newspapers and sources.   وسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته         ************************** RSS **************************** RSS FEED ALL DAILY NEWS & ACTUAL INFO […]

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IOA deliberately sabotages tourism in eastern Jerusalem

[ 03/11/2010 – 06:36 PM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Jerusalemite merchants accused the Israeli occupation authority (IOA) of deliberately sabotaging tourism in eastern Jerusalem especially the Old City through directing tourists to Jewish areas. Member of the society for holy land industries and oriental antiques Alfred Raad said in a press release on Wednesday […]

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Hasbara Lie Exposed: “Staged” Settler Violence is Actually Tree Pruning | Sabbah Report

by Guest Post on November 3, 2010 Spread it! Share | More By Maggie Sager * | Sabbah Report | In a recent Ynet News story, a news group operating within West Bank settlements witnessed “Arabs and Leftists” staging an event in which their olive trees were vandalized, so as to further demonize settlers. […]

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Swedish demonstration demands arresting Mofaz for war crimes

[ 03/11/2010 – 03:16 PM ]   STOCKHOLM, (PIC)– Tens of Swedes demonstrated on Wednesday in front of the Swedish institute for international relations against the visit of Israel’s former chief of staff Shaul Mofaz. The demonstrators, who rallied while Mofaz was delivering a speech at the institute, hoisted placards demanding his arrest for committing […]

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Bahar departs for Haj at the head of parliamentary delegation

[ 03/11/2010 – 03:26 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– A five-member parliamentary delegation led by first deputy speaker of the Palestinian legislative council left Gaza on Wednesday en route to Saudi Arabia to perform Haj (pilgrimage). PLC public relations manager Mumen Bseiso said that the delegates would meet with Arab and Islamic parliamentary and political […]

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Bardawil: The resistance, not Abbas, prevents new Israeli war on Gaza

[ 03/11/2010 – 03:14 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– Senior Hamas official Salah Al-Bardawil stated that the strength of the Palestinian resistance and the international solidarity with the Gaza Strip are the only reasons that prevent Israel from waging a new war on the Strip and not the weak stands of de facto president Mahmoud […]

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Israel to build huge military bridge between Buraq plaza and Aqsa Mosque

[ 03/11/2010 – 02:12 PM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Al-Aqsa foundation for endowment and heritage said that the Israeli committee for planning and building in occupied Jerusalem irreversibly approved the plan of building the military bridge between Al-Buraq square and Al-Maghariba Gate of the Aqsa Mosque. Different Hebrew newspaper published the announcement of the […]

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Israeli police arrest five Palestinian children in Silwan

[ 03/11/2010 – 02:20 PM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Israeli occupation policemen stormed the Silwan town, south of the Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, on Wednesday and arrested five Palestinian children including two brothers. Eyewitnesses reported that the policemen took away the children from their homes after spraying gas at their families. The children […]

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PA security storms home in Wadi Al-Hariya area of Al-Khalil city

[ 03/11/2010 – 02:19 PM ]   Al-KHALIL, (PIC)– The Palestinian authority’s security militias stormed at a late hour Tuesday evening Wadi Al-Hariya neighborhood in Al-Khalil city and violently broke into one of the homes there. Eyewitnesses told the Palestinian information center (PIC) a large number of PA security militias attacked aggressively the house of […]

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DCI: 38 incidents of settlers’ violence against children occurred in two years

[ 03/11/2010 – 10:49 AM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Defense for children international (DCI) organization-Palestine section documented 38 incidents of settlers’ violence against Palestinian children that happened during the past two years and resulted in the death of three of them and the injury of 42 others. In a report entitled “under attack,” DCI said […]

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Detainees in Hawara complain of inhuman incarceration

[ 03/11/2010 – 10:43 AM ]   NABLUS, (PIC)– The Palestinian prisoner’s committee said in a statement on Wednesday that tension was rising high among Palestinian detainees in the Israeli Hawara military detention center. The committee said following a visit by its lawyers to the center that its administration refuses to improve and increase the […]

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Baher: Apologizing is the minimum penance accepted from Britain

[ 03/11/2010 – 10:28 AM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– First deputy speaker of the Palestinian legislative council Dr. Ahmed Baher stated that apologizing for the Palestinian people and providing them with all forms of political and economic support are the minimum atonement accepted from Britain for its political and moral crime represented in its Balfour […]

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Ahrar holds IPS fully responsible for life of detained Hamas leader

[ 03/11/2010 – 10:17 AM ]   NABLUS, (PIC)– The Ahrar center for prisoners’ studies and human rights has held the Israeli prison service (IPS) fully responsible for the life of detained Hamas leader Ra’fat Nassif who has been on hunger strike for six days. Fuad Al-Khafsh, the center’s director, said that Nassif, 40, was […]

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IOA destroys Palestinian car wash in OJ

[ 03/11/2010 – 09:42 AM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority’s municipal teams on Tuesday knocked down a car wash owned by a Palestinian in Beit Hanina, north of occupied Jerusalem, local sources reported. They said that the municipality bulldozers destroyed Majdi Salhab’s car wash facility at the pretext it was built […]

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Observers call for Egyptian participation in Damascus meeting

[ 03/11/2010 – 09:40 AM ]   CAIRO, (PIC)– Observers in Cairo have proposed the participation of Egypt in the upcoming Hamas-Fatah meeting in Damascus to ensure all obstacles would be overcome especially when Cairo had objected to Hamas’s participation in leading PA security apparatuses. Mohammed Juma, a researcher in Palestinian affairs, told the PIC […]

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