Archive | November 6, 2010

IDF second-in-command calls Gaza disengagement mistake – Jerusalem Post

  IDF second-in-command calls Gaza disengagement mistake Jerusalem Post Former IDF deputy chief of staff Dan Harel told Channel 2 in an interview on Saturday that the manner in which Israel undertook the disengagement from Gaza was a mistake. Harel justified Israel’s territorial withdrawal from the Strip during the interview saying, "I’m not surprised that […]

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A Collection of VIDEOS from the past week

  from FriendlyStranger, an Arab blogger at Daily Kos. ao A Collection of VIDEOS from the past week Sat, 06 Nov 2010 00:00:00 GMT

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YouTube – Ali Abunimah at Stanford (1/13)

Lecture that Ali Abunimah gave at Stanford on Wednesday, November 3rd 2010 entitled “What is the alternative to peace talks to nowhere?” Sponsored by Students Confronting Apartheid by Israel (SCAI). YouTube – Ali Abunimah at Stanford (1/13).

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Rights group: Female detainees in Talmond denied medical treatment

06/11/2010 – 04:52 PM   Several ill detainees in the female population of the Israeli Talmond prison have been denied medical treatment, a Palestinian rights groups reported. RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Several ill detainees in the female population of the Israeli Talmond prison have been denied medical treatment, a Palestinian rights group reported, adding that the prison […]

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MK Baraka exposes plan targeting Arab homes in Lod

[ 06/11/2010 – 04:18 PM ] Arab MK Mohammed Baraka offers evidence that NIS 40 million of the NIS 130 million budget set aside to develop the city of Lod will be used to demolish Arab homes allegedly built without permits.   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Arab MK Mohammed Baraka, speaking Saturday before the Israeli Knesset, […]

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MK: Release Shalit regardless of the price

[ 06/11/2010 – 03:08 PM ] Israeli Knesset (parliament) member (Kadima) Yisrael Hasson has said that Israel should pay the price for the release of captured soldier Gilad Shalit if it was unable to determine his location. OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Israeli Knesset (parliament) member (Kadima) Yisrael Hasson has said that Israel should pay the price […]

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Protest against Fayyad for excluding Jerusalemite pilgrims from Hajj mission

06/11/2010 – 01:58 PM   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Dozens of Jerusalemite families of prisoners, ex-detainees and martyrs on Friday rallied outside the house of Salam Fayyad, head of Fatah’s government in Ramallah city, in protest at excluding them from the pilgrimage (Hajj) mission to Makkah this year as part of the generous gesture made by […]

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Israel moves to improve relations with UNESCO after forging holy sites

  NAZARETH, (PIC)– The Israeli government is determined to settle existing differences with UNESCO (the UN organization for Education, Science and Culture) in light of the organization’s recent decisions to counter the prior’s practice of adding Islamic holy sites in Palestine to the country’s Jewish heritage list, Israeli media said. According to Israeli Radio, a […]

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Foreign activists take part in protest rally in JV

JERICHO, (PIC)– Inhabitants of Jaftelk village, Jericho district, in the Jordan Valley organized a protest sit-in on Saturday with the participation of foreign solidarity activists against Israeli settlement activity. The rally was held following the recent Israeli confiscation of 25 dunums of the Jaftelk land, which would isolate 32 families, 120 individuals, from their land […]

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Islamic Jihad urges national unity

    GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — Islamic Jihad’s Secretary-General Ramadan Shallah on Friday urged Hamas and Fatah to work quickly to end their rivalry. Shallah was speaking a ceremony in the Syrian capital to mark the 23rd anniversary of the founding of the Islamic Jihad movement. Hamas and Fatah should agree on a national program […]

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Livni: Netanyahu is damaging Israel’s interests

  Date 06/11/2010, 16:44 (Jerusalem)   TEL AVIV, Israel (Ma’an) — Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni said Friday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s refusal to extend restrictions on illegal settlement building was damaging Israeli interests, Israeli media reported. Livni asked, “Why not comply with the demand to extend the freeze by two months? So certain […]

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Hamas: PA security carried out 163 political arrests this month

[ 06/11/2010 – 03:39 PM ]   WEST BANK, (PIC)– PA security forces arrested this month 163 Palestinians throughout the West Bank, among them 74 ex-detainees who were released from Israeli jails, and transferred 40 detainees for military trials over their political affiliation, the Hamas movement in Gaza reported Saturday. The official report added that […]

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German FM to visit Gaza on Monday

[ 06/11/2010 – 02:30 PM ]   BERLIN, (PIC)– German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle is to visit the Gaza Strip on Monday on an official visit, the first by a German official to the Strip since 2006. The German foreign ministry said in a statement on Saturday that Westerwelle plans to take first hand information […]

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Haaretz: The Israeli gov’t helps Zionist groups to seize Jerusalem real estate

[ 06/11/2010 – 02:33 PM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Haaretz newspaper revealed that Zionist right-wing societies are secretly helped by the Israeli government to take over Palestinian real estate in different parts of the occupied city of Jerusalem. The newspaper said that the Israeli government’s administration of lands is transferring Palestinian properties in Silwan […]

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Friends of humanity calls on Egypt to facilitate Road to Hope convoy’s mission

[ 06/11/2010 – 02:01 PM ]   VIENNA, (PIC)– Friends of humanity international organization appealed to the Egyptian authorities to allow Road to Hope convoy to move from the Egyptian-Libyan borders into the Gaza Strip to deliver medical and human assistance to the impoverished Palestinian people there. The organization said that about 100 international peace […]

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