Archive | November 21, 2010

Knesset to vote on bill outlawing Palestinians from living in ’48-occupied land

[ 21/11/2010 – 02:52 PM ]   NAZARETH, (PIC)– The Israeli Knesset will vote Sunday on a racist bill outlawing Palestinians from residing in 1948-occupied Palestinian territories with a majorly Jewish population. Sources in Israel said the bill is set to grant local committees the power to select the families permitted to reside in Israeli […]

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20 Palestinians kidnapped by PA security militias in West Bank

[ 21/11/2010 – 02:19 PM ]   WEST BANK, (PIC)– The Palestinian Authority’s security militias kidnapped 20 Palestinian citizens thought to be affiliated with Hamas Movement in different West Bank areas, according to local sources on Sunday. Among the detainees was a Palestinian businessman called Basem Thabet who was kidnapped again after his release for […]

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Inhabitants of Egyptian Rafah demand end to IOF shelling of tunnels

[ 21/11/2010 – 11:01 AM ]   RAFAH, (PIC)– Inhabitants of the Egyptian border city of Rafah have asked their foreign ministry to pressure Israel into desisting from further shelling of tunnels on the borders with Gaza Strip. The German news agency DPA said that the inhabitants left their homes and gathered in streets and […]

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Fatah officials: PA security was involved in Namnam hit

[ 21/11/2010 – 10:55 AM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– A group of Fatah officials came out of the dark to report the involvement of Palestinian Authority security members in the assassination of Mohammed Al-Namnam, who was gunned down by Israeli warplanes two weeks back. The sources said officers working as agents for the PA preventative […]

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IOF soldiers kidnap child, foreign activists in Beit Ummar march

[ 21/11/2010 – 10:04 AM ]   AL-KHALIL, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) kidnapped a 14-year-old Palestinian child, two other citizens and three foreign solidarity activists who were taking part in the weekly anti wall march in Beit Ummar village, Al-Khalil district, on Saturday. Local sources said that the soldiers blocked the participants from reaching […]

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Jihad: Qaeda presence in Gaza an Israeli allegation to rally regional support

[ 21/11/2010 – 09:10 AM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– The Islamic Jihad movement has categorically denied presence of Al-Qaeda cells in the Gaza Strip, describing such “Zionist propaganda” as planned to rally regional support for any future aggression on the Strip. Daoud Shihab, an official spokesman for the Jihad, stressed in a press statement published […]

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Dutch filmmaker: I saw Sharon shoot two Palestinian toddlers at close range

[ 21/11/2010 – 08:23 AM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Dutch filmmaker George Sluizer spread in the media this month accusations that former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon killed two Palestinian children in a refugee camp in Beirut in 1982 while he was serving as the Israeli war minister. “Sharon fired a pistol at two […]

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Resheq: Hundreds of homes in J’lem to be razed because of the peace talks

[ 21/11/2010 – 08:28 AM ]   DAMASCUS, (PIC)– Member of Hamas’s political bureau Izzat Al-Resheq stated that the Israeli decision to demolish hundreds of Palestinian homes in occupied Jerusalem is one of the manifestations of the US-backed peace talks between the Palestinian Authority (PA) and the Israeli occupation state. In a press release on […]

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