Archive | November 15, 2010

Israeli artillery, navy randomly shell east and west of foggy Gaza

[ 15/11/2010 – 11:33 AM ]   NAZARETH, (PIC)– Palestinian security sources said that Israel’s artillery east of the Gaza Strip and its navy in the west started at dawn Monday to randomly open heavy fire towards both directions without any reported injuries. The sources told the Palestinian information center (PIC) that the Israeli artillery […]

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Nov 14, 2010 | GAZA PALESTINE| TODAY NEWS LINKS| Gaza has been under a siege for 1250 days | Spread-Share-Link or Tweet the News

آخر الأخبار والتحديثات Every day updating all news, sources and actual information about Gaza – Palestine, check also earlier notes since June 1th, 2010 with all news from worldwide newspapers and sources.   وسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته     ************************** RSS **************************** RSS FEED ALL DAILY NEWS & ACTUAL INFO UPDATES ABOUT […]

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Gaza Ministry slams Israeli plan to build massive synagogue in heart of J’lem

[ 14/11/2010 – 07:49 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– The Religious Affairs Ministry in Gaza reiterated its denouncement of Israel’s approval of a major Jewish synagogue to be built in the heart of the holy city, claiming that the plan is part of a series of synagogues aimed at Judaizing the Islamic holy sites and […]

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Tensions rise in Ramon prison after guard insults Allah

[ 14/11/2010 – 07:44 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– The supreme prisoners rights committee in Gaza said a tense atmosphere has prevailed over the Israeli Ramon prison for the past five days after a prison guard insulted Allah during a recent excursion in the prison’s 5.3 section. The prison administration has been on full alert […]

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European campaign urges Egypt to facilitate entry of Hope aid to Gaza

[ 14/11/2010 – 04:59 PM ]   BRUSSELS, (PIC)– The European campaign to lift the siege on the Gaza Strip has appealed to the Egyptian concerned authorities to facilitate the entry of the European Hope aid convoy to the Gaza Strip before Eid Al-Adha. The Brussels-based campaign appealed in a press release on Sunday to […]

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Hamas deputies call on PA to release political prisoners for holidays

[ 14/11/2010 – 04:05 PM ]   WEST BANK, (PIC)– Hamas lawmakers in the West Bank have called on Palestinian Authority security forces to release all political prisoners as the Eid holiday approaches. The deputies appealed in a press statement Sunday to the PA militia to offer a goodwill gesture towards the people whose families […]

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Jewish settlers burn olive trees in Nablus

[ 14/11/2010 – 04:56 PM ]   NABLUS, (PIC)– Jewish settlers burnt dozens of Palestinian olive trees east of Salem village, Nablus district, on Sunday, local sources reported. They said that the settlers came from a settlement outpost near the village and set more than 15 dunums of olive trees on fire. The sources said […]

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Rizqa slams Fayyad’s remarks about resistance, protecting Israel’s security

[ 14/11/2010 – 03:22 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– Political advisor to the Palestinian premier Yousuf Rizqa strongly denounced the latest remarks made by head of the unconstitutional government in Ramallah Salam Fayyad about the Palestinian resistance and the Israeli occupation state’s security. In a statement on Sunday, Rizqa described Fayyad’s remarks as determinatal to […]

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IOF soldiers wound boy in Gaza, detain girl in Al-Khalil

[ 14/11/2010 – 02:59 PM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired at and wounded a 13-year-old Palestinian boy east of Gaza on Sunday while collecting gravel, medical sources reported. Adham Abu Salmiya, the media coordinator of the medical services, told the PIC that the boy was hit with a bullet in his […]

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Massive protest in Sheikh Jarrah against displacement of Palestinians

Palestinians [ 14/11/2010 – 02:57 PM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Dozens of Jerusalemite citizens and foreign activists participated in a protest in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood against Israel’s plan to displace Palestinians from their homes and Judaize the neighborhood. A large number of Israeli troops stormed and cordoned off the neighborhood to prevent other Palestinians […]

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