Archive | November 20, 2010

Nov 20, 2010 | GAZA PALESTINE |TODAY NEWS LINKS| Gaza has been under a siege for 1256 days | Spread-Share-Link or Tweet the News

آخر الأخبار والتحديثات Every day updating all news, sources and actual information about Gaza – Palestine, check also earlier notes since June 1th, 2010 with all news from worldwide newspapers and sources.   وسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته       ************************** RSS **************************** RSS FEED ALL DAILY NEWS & ACTUAL INFO UPDATES […]

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Jerusalem is excluded from any settlement freeze

[ 19/11/2010 – 09:16 PM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– The Israeli occupation authority stressed that “east Jerusalem” will not be included in any future settlement freeze. Israeli officials said that the US administration has agreed to exclude east Jerusalem from the US proposed 90-day freeze on settlement building and that no other freeze on […]

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IOF soldiers killed 3 Palestinians in Gaza in November

[ 20/11/2010 – 10:57 AM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) killed three Palestinians and wounded 20 others since the start of the current month of November in Gaza Strip, Adham Abu Salmiya told the PIC. Abu Salmiya, the coordinator of medical services in the Strip, said on Friday that the figures point […]

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Hamas on Qassam anniversary: Resistance is legitimate

[ 20/11/2010 – 10:32 AM ]   DAMASCUS, (PIC)– Hamas said that martyr Sheikh Ezzedin Al-Qassam, who traveled from Syria to fight the British occupation of Palestine, and before him Salahuddin Al-Ayubi, who liberated the Aqsa, posed as sheer proof that Palestine is an Arab, Islamic cause. Hamas, in a statement on Saturday commemorating the […]

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Israeli authorities planning to eject 100,000 Palestinians from Jerusalem

[ 20/11/2010 – 11:05 AM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– Observers say the situation in Jerusalem is likely to explode in light of a decision by Israeli occupation authorities to demolish hundreds of Palestinian homes in the city. Israeli legal consultant Yahuda Feinstein, during a meeting Thursday between Israel’s planning and construction committee attended by […]

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Dozens suffer breathing problems in IOF quelling of WB marches

[ 20/11/2010 – 08:14 AM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) used excessive force to disperse peaceful marches in West Bank villages on Friday that are weekly organized to protest the separation wall and growing settlement drive. Tens of participants in those marches in Ma’sara, Bethlehem district, and Bilin, Ramallah district, were treated […]

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Hamas MPs denounce military court verdict against senior PLC official

[ 20/11/2010 – 08:49 AM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– Hamas MPs denounced the Israeli government for its six month sentence of administrative detention imposed on senior Palestinian Legislative Council official Dr. Mahmoud Al-Ramahi, calling the decision a new crime against Palestine’s representative figures. PLC speaker Dr. Aziz Dweik said in an exclusive statement to the Palestinian […]

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IOF artillery targets vicinity of Gaza airport

[ 20/11/2010 – 08:37 AM ]   RAFAH, (PIC)– Israeli occupation forces (IOF) opened artillery fire at southern Gaza Strip at dawn Saturday targeting the vicinity of the Gaza airport in Rafah district. Security sources said that the unprecedented, intensified shelling caused violent explosions not before witnessed in the area. The sources aid that the […]

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Israeli occupation claim a Grad rocket was fired at southern occupied Palestine

[ 19/11/2010 – 06:26 PM ]   NAZARETH, (PIC)–  Occupation police sources claimed that a Grad rocket was fired Friday morning from the Gaza Strip and fell somewhere in southern occupied Palestine for the first time since the war on Gaza two years ago. Israeli radio quoted the sources  as saying that the rocket fell […]

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Zionist plans to Judaize the occupied city of Lod

[ 19/11/2010 – 07:30 PM ]   Al-Jalil, (PIC)– The Arab member of Knesset, Ibrahim Sarsour warned of Zionist attempts to Judaize upper Galilee, in northern occupied Palestine, as well as the city of Lod through settlement of Jews in Arab neighbourhoods. In an interview with “Palestine On Line” He criticised the Israeli government’s approval  […]

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Nov 18, 2010 | GAZA PALESTINE | TODAY NEWSLINKS| Gaza has been under a siege for 1254 days | Spread-Share-Link or Tweet the News!

آخر الأخبار والتحديثات Every day updating all news, sources and actual information about Gaza – Palestine, check also earlier notes since June 1th, 2010 with all news from worldwide newspapers and sources. وسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ************************** RSS **************************** RSS FEED ALL DAILY NEWS & ACTUAL INFO UPDATES ABOUT PALESTINE: ********************************************************** […]

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