Archive | November 13, 2010

Road to Hope aid convoy to sail again for Gaza before Rafah crossing closed

[ 13/11/2010 – 02:18 PM ]   LONDON, (PIC)– The European Road to Hope aid convoy destined for the besieged Gaza Strip is getting prepared to sail once again for the port of Al-Arish before the Egyptian authorities close the Rafah border crossing for six day as of next Monday. A Libyan participant in the […]

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Zio-American plot to abolish Palestinians’ right to resistance

[ 13/11/2010 – 02:31 PM ]   OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)– 79 international human rights organizations revealed a Zio-American conspiracy against the Palestinian people and their national cause aimed at revoking the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and their right to resist the occupation. In a statement signed by these organizations, the representatives of Israel and […]

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IOF soldiers shoot worker, raid southern Gaza

[ 13/11/2010 – 10:15 AM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– A Palestinian worker was wounded at the hands of the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) on Saturday morning while collecting gravel east of Jabalia refugee camp, to the north of the Gaza Strip, medical sources said. Adham Abu Salmiya, the media coordinator of medical services, told the […]

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Sudais: Lift the siege on Gaza

[ 13/11/2010 – 07:59 AM ]   MAKKAH, (PIC)– Top Saudi religious scholar Sheikh Abdurrahman Sudais, addressing Muslim pilgrims before Friday prayers at the Grand Mosque in Makkah, called on Muslims to work to create a solution for the Palestinian cause and liberate the Aqsa Mosque. The Sheikh demanded an end to the Israeli siege […]

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Carter: Gaza siege one of the worst violations against humanity

[ 13/11/2010 – 07:31 AM ]   GAZA, (PIC)– Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter told Al-Jazeera on Friday that Israel and other regional countries were working to strengthen the Fatah party against Hamas, despite the latter having control in Gaza. Carter condemned the continued blockade on the Gaza Strip as one of the worst violations […]

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OCHA: 313 Palestinian structures demolished in 2010

[ 13/11/2010 – 12:00 AM ]   RAMALLAH, (PIC)– A report issued by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said in its monthly report that the Israeli occupation authorities demolished 313 Palestinian structures in the first ten months of 2010. The report also highlighted the settlers’ disruption of the olive harvest […]

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Dahalan presents new plan to take over the Gaza Strip

[ 12/11/2010 – 09:58 PM ]   LONDON, (PIC)– Well-informed Palestinian sources have confirmed Thursday that the infamous Fatah leader and chief of the mutiny trend in the Movement, presented a plan to attack the Gaza Strip in a bid to topple Hamas and to restore his “reputation” in the Palestinian arena. The PIC obtained […]

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Two IOF soldiers killed, 9 people injured in Acre by a driver seeking revenge

[ 12/11/2010 – 09:46 PM ]   ACRE, (PIC)– Two IOF soldiers were killed and nine people were injured when a Jewish truck driver plowed into a crowd at a bus stop in the northern city of Acre, an old Palestinian city occupied in 1948. The 45-year old truck driver fled the scene but he […]

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Nov 12, 2010 | GAZA PALESTINE | TODAY NEWS LINKS| Gaza has been under a siege for 1248 days | Spread-Share-Link or Tweet the News

آخر الأخبار والتحديثات Every day updating all news, sources and actual information about Gaza – Palestine, check also earlier notes since June 1th, 2010 with all news from worldwide newspapers and sources.   وسلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته   ************************** RSS **************************** RSS FEED ALL DAILY NEWS & ACTUAL INFO UPDATES ABOUT PALESTINE: […]

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