Yasser Arafat – Hands of Thyme and Stone

YouTube – Yasser Arafat – Hands of Thyme and Stone.

For two hands, of stone and of thyme
I dedicate this song.. For Ahmad, forgotten between two butterflies
The clouds are gone and have left me homeless, and
The mountains have flung their mantles and concealed me

Music: Marcel Khalife
Lyrics: Mahmoud Darwish
Album: Ahmad Al Arabi

“I come bearing an olive branch in one hand, and the freedom fighter’s gun in the other. Do not let the green branch fall from my hand.. Do not let the green branch fall from my hand..” (Speech at the United Nations General Assembly, November 13, 1974)

Yasser Arafat
(Jerusalem 04.08.1929 – Paris 11.11.2004)

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